“With Verdi's Macbeth, Konzert und Theater St. Gallen
celebrates an outstanding premiere success, and indeed, the suggestive
production boasts a strong cast. First and foremost, Libby Sokolowski shines as
a Lady Macbeth with vocal might and stage presence to embody ‘lust of power’
just as much as ghostly forlornness.”
— OPER! Magazin (Kurzkritik)
“Libby Sokolowski is the highlight of this Macbeth,
both dramatically and vocally. The breadth of her soprano, with full depth and
striking upper range, leaves nothing out that defines this character: from the
'lust of power' to the sovereign dance on the abyss (Brindisi) to the
ghostly, night-walking forlornness of her famous last scene. In her silence,
even within this monstrous figure, a spark of humanity flickers to life; and
when she does not exit with the candle in hand as prescribed but instead dies and
remains lying dead on the stage, she creates a profound moment.”
— OPER! Magazin
“Libby Sokolowski has the vocal power, brilliance in
the top notes, and the acting finesse required for one of the darkest female
roles in the Romantic repertoire. Her sleepwalking aria becomes an expressive
psychogram of a breakdown – and the portrait of a woman who is both perpetrator and victim of the
— Saiten Magazin
“A highlight was the outstanding vocal performance of
Libby Sokolowski in the role of Lady Macbeth. With her powerful, nuanced voice,
she gave the character depth and intensity. Sokolowski's portrayal of the
ambitious and manipulative Lady Macbeth was met with long-lasting applause,
culminating in a standing ovation, and of course not only for her but also
Vincenzo Neri as Macbeth.”
— stgallen24
“Libby Sokolowski's movement may have been considerably
restricted by her dislocated knee, but this did not harm her vocal power and
expressiveness. The soprano voice of this fantastic singer breaks through with
nuanced primal force. From the entrance aria Vieni t'affretta to the
eerie flickering in La luce langue and the Brindisi in the second
act to the intensity of the death scene Una macchia è qui tutt'ora, a
captivating arc of tension is created. We follow this complex character in
fascination on its way to the abyss.”
— Oper Aktuell
“Libby Sokolowski as Lady Macbeth despite a knee injury
and Vincenzo Neri as Macbeth after recovering from a respiratory infection show
gripping commitment. Lady Macbeth, the mastermind behind the murders, is
portrayed by Libby Sokolowski expressively and with great colorful presence.
Her freezing, cold smile repeatedly becomes a symbol of bloody cruelty.”
— St.Galler Tagblatt
“Libby Sokolowski proved herself in her debut as Lady
Macbeth, confidently embodying the center of the warlike intrigues. She
presents herself in her debut as a dramatic, powerfully voiced Lady, showing no
weaknesses until she is finally consumed by madness.”
— Oper und Kultur
"Fata Morgana was perfectly cast with Libby Sokolowski. Her powerful soprano portrayed the sinister character of this witch vividly (with a skillful wink)."
— oper aktuell
"Libby Sokolowski succeeds brilliantly as Elvira. Her round, full soprano is able to develop the necessary fire for the lover and woman desired by three men. Her voice is huge, but without sounding like it directly."
— Online Merker
"Libby Sokolowski takes the soprano part with a full, broad, dramatic soprano, making the criticism of the Requiem as 'opera in church garb' understandable (which is to be understood positively)."
— Online Merker
"Libby Sokolowski has her big scenes here [in the second part], dramatically shaped and sung with a power that radiates inward."
— Das Ostschweizer Kulturmagazin Saiten
"One is delighted by the multifaceted sonority and intensity that the St.Gallen Symphony Orchestra is able to unleash, marveling at the dramatic potential of such a young soprano as Libby Sokolowski, who as Sieglinde effortlessly shines over the lushly cast orchestra."
— St.Galler Tagblatt
"The siblings Christopher and Libby Sokolowski thrilled the audience with their performances as Siegmund and Sieglinde and received strong acclaim."
— Online Merker
"With Libby Sokolowski as Sieglinde, the house has secured an enchanting ensemble member who can hold her own effortlessly in both lyrical and dramatic repertoire."
— Oper und Kultur
"Libby Sokolowski and Christopher Sokolowski as Sieglinde and Siegmund, [sang] clearly and powerfully."
— Musik und Mehr